
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Why Does the Rain Make You Sleepy?

Why Does the Rain Make You Sleepy?

It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing color, the air is getting colder, and rain is in the forecast almost every day. For many people, this means one thing: fatigue. You might be wondering why rain seems to make everyone so tired. Is it just an excuse to stay inside all day? Or is there something more to it? In this epic guide, we will explore the science behind why rain makes you feel sleepy. We’ll cover everything from how weather affects your sleep cycle to why humidity can make you drowsy. So whether you’re looking for ways to beat the sleepiness or just want to understand it better, keep reading!

Reasons Why Rain Makes Your Sleepy

Foul weather can definitely make us feel more tired than usual. The reasons why rain makes you sleepy are often linked to a combination of the physical environment and physiological responses. To better understand why rain brings on sleepiness, let’s take a closer look at the factors that contribute to it.

Reasons Why Rain Makes Your Sleepy

Lack of light

The amount of light we receive in our daily lives has a direct effect on how much sleep we get. A lack of light, especially at night, can cause us to become overly sleepy and sluggish during the day.

This is because our bodies have an internal clock that responds to environmental cues like sunlight levels, which helps regulate our sleeping patterns. When exposed to less light during nighttime hours, such as when it’s raining outside or when you’re indoors with lights turned off for longer periods of time, this internal clock tells your body it’s time to go to sleep.

The hormone melatonin plays a major role in this process as well. It helps regulate our sleep-wake cycles, and is produced when there’s less light around us due to rain or other factors. When it rains, light levels are drastically reduced as clouds block out the sun and make everything look darker. This decrease in light can stimulate the production of melatonin, which sends signals to our brains saying it’s time to get some sleep.

A singular sound

The most common explanation for why you feel sleepy when it’s raining, is that rain creates a monotonous soundscape, with little variation in pitch or volume. The repetition of a single tone has the effect of lulling us into a relaxed, calm state – one which is conducive to sleep. This phenomenon isn’t limited to rainfall either; any type of consistent background noise such as white noise machines or ocean waves can have similar effects on our psyche.

Another factor to consider is the temperature during rainfall. Rain typically coincides with cooler temperatures, which can also lead to feelings of drowsiness and sleepiness. It’s thought that the combination of a repetitive sound paired with a cool environment triggers our bodies to slow down, making us feel more relaxed and sleepy.

Reasons Why Rain Makes Your Sleepy

Decreased oxygen content in the air

The decrease of oxygen level in the air due to rain can be one of the reasons why people feel sleepier when it rains. Here is an explanation.

To understand how a decreased oxygen level affects us, we first need to understand how our bodies use oxygen. Oxygen is essential for all cells in the body because it helps create energy (in the form of ATP) that powers cellular processes and keeps us alive. In order for cells to access this energy, they must take up oxygen from the bloodstream, which is delivered by hemoglobin molecules found in red blood cells.

When there are lower levels of oxygen in the air surrounding us, this reduces the amount available for our red blood cells to take up and deliver to our cells. This means that less energy is being produced, leading to fatigue as the body struggles to meet its energy needs. As a result, we become sleepier and more lethargic due to the lack of energy available for us to use.

The high humidity

When the humidity is high, it means there is a lot of water vapor in the air. This water vapor has a significant impact on how we feel and can make us sleepy as our bodies try to regulate itself against this moisture.

High humidity makes it harder for your body to maintain homeostasis, as more water is getting absorbed by your skin, leaving it feeling clammy and uncomfortable. This moisture can also affect the temperature in a room and make it feel stuffy, which could be part of why you feel tired when there’s high humidity.

When your body is trying to regulate itself against the high levels of moisture, it takes energy. This drains you of energy that could otherwise be used for other activities like staying alert or being productive. As a result, you might find yourself wanting to take a nap during humid times.

High levels of humidity can also reduce oxygen levels in the air as more water molecules are taking up space. As we already mentioned, lowered oxygen levels are known to cause fatigue and drowsiness, so if you’re feeling sleepy during a humid day, it could be because of this.

Reasons Why Rain Makes Your Sleepy

Human activities are restricted

The final factor to consider is the restriction of human activities during rain. Humans tend to be more productive in bright, sunny conditions and feel lethargic when skies are gray. This can be exacerbated further by heavy rainfall, which often restricts our movement and limits what we can do outdoors (especially if it’s raining heavily). This can lead to feelings of boredom, restlessness or even depression; all of which contribute towards feelings of sleepiness.

In addition, wet weather tends to make us stay indoors for long periods of time without any physical activity or stimulation. Our bodies need some kind of activity throughout the day in order to keep us alert and energized; without it we become tired and find ourselves wanting a nap more than usual.

The combination of these two factors – restriction of activities and lack of physical stimulation – can cause us to become sleepy quickly, especially when it’s raining. So if you find yourself nodding off more than usual during a rainy day, this could be why. [1], [2], [3]

How Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Affect Your Mood and Wellbeing?

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs during certain times of the year, usually in response to changes in daylight hours and temperature. During this time, people may find themselves feeling more down or lethargic than usual. This disorder makes one more prone to feeling sleepy when it’s raining.

The exact causes of SAD aren’t known, but research suggests that changes in the amount and type of daylight can affect a person’s serotonin levels, which are responsible for regulating sleep and mood. Lowered serotonin levels may make someone more prone to fatigue and feelings of depression or anxiety during rainy weather.

How Seasonal Affective Disorder Can Affect Your Mood and Wellbeing?

SAD is most commonly seen during winter months when days are shorter and darker than usual. But in some cases, people experience “reverse seasonal affective disorder” where symptoms appear in spring or summer. This change in light exposure can also lead to increased feelings of sleepiness on rainy days.

SAD symptoms are very similar to those of depression and can include low energy, sleep disturbances, irritability, poor concentration and difficulty concentrating. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms it’s important to speak to your doctor as they may be able to help determine if SAD is the cause. [2]

Tips For Improving Your Wellbeing During Rainy Weather

Although the rain makes us more prone to feeling sleepy and sluggish, there are still plenty of ways to boost your mood during these days. In this section, we’ll go over a few of the best strategies to stay active and maintain your mental health during rainy weather.

Keep an active lifestyle

Rainy weather can make you lazy, but it’s important to make sure that you’re still staying active. Exercise releases endorphins which lift your mood and give you energy, even when the rain is coming down outside. Taking part in your favorite activities such as swimming, running or yoga can help to keep your energy levels up during the day.

Expose yourself to natural light as much as possible

Rainy weather can have an effect on our circadian rhythm, making us feel more tired and sluggish than usual. To counteract this, try to get outside for a few minutes each day during sunny periods and make sure to open your curtains or blinds in the morning so that natural light can enter your home. This will help to regulate your sleep patterns and keep you feeling refreshed throughout the day.

Do some creative work

Creative activities such as painting or writing can help to lift your mood and give you something positive to focus on. If the rain has been coming down for a few days, try taking up a new hobby or pick up an old one that you used to enjoy. You might also find it helpful to make a list of goals and tasks that you’d like to complete during this time, so that you have something productive to keep yourself busy with. [2]

Tips For Improving Your Wellbeing During Rainy Weather


What is it called when rain makes you SAD?

It is technically referred to as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It’s a form of depression that occurs in the same season each year, usually during winter or fall. According to research, about 10 million Americans are affected by SAD and women are more likely to be diagnosed with this condition than men.

To diagnose SAD, your doctor will first want to ask you questions related to your sleep patterns, appetite changes, energy levels, and moods at different times of year. They’ll also take into consideration any other medical conditions that could contribute to symptoms of SAD. If they suspect you have SAD, they might order blood tests or imaging studies as part of the diagnosis process.

If you are diagnosed with SAD, your doctor will likely suggest a combination of treatment options such as talk therapy, light therapy, and medications. Talk therapy can help you better understand the underlying causes of your mood changes and provide coping strategies to deal with them. Finally, medications may be prescribed depending on your symptoms.

What emotions does rain bring?

Rain can bring a wide range of emotions. For some people, rain can be associated with sadness and melancholy due to the low light levels and wetness of a typical rainy day. Others may find it comforting or even liberating, depending on their individual circumstances.

For many, however, rain is often associated with relaxation. As we’ve already discussed in this article, the sound of rainfall has been scientifically proven to have calming effects on humans, making us feel relaxed and sleepy. It’s also thought that the reduction in sunlight exposure while it’s raining can lead to increased melatonin production which further contributes to our sense of tiredness and sleepiness.

Does rain make you feel lonely?

The answer to this question is largely subjective. Depending on the person and the context, rain can make some people feel lonely while others may find it calming and peaceful.

For those who are feeling down or depressed, the sound of rain can be a reminder of being alone or isolated from others. Rain triggers memories that you may have stored away in your subconscious, and these emotions can come back to the surface during rainy days.

On the other hand, for individuals who are introspective thinkers, rain can be seen as an opportunity for self-reflection or contemplation without any distractions. The sound of raindrops hitting against leaves, windows or umbrellas creates a peaceful atmosphere that allows one to think deeply about life’s questions.

Why do I feel sleepy when it rains?

There are a few theories as to why rain might make people feel sleepy. The first is that the sound of falling rain can be soothing and calming, which could make people drowsy. Rain also tends to reduce ambient noise levels, potentially making it easier for people to relax and drift off into sleep.

In addition, the lack of light that often comes with rainy days can disrupt the body’s circadian rhythm, leading to feelings of tiredness.

High humidity can also play a role in making people feel drowsy. Humidity reduces the body’s ability to cool itself, and this can lead to greater feelings of fatigue. Finally, rain typically brings with it changes in barometric pressure, which have been associated with drowsiness.

Useful Video: Why does rain make me sleepy?


Rainy weather has the power to make us feel sleepy and relaxed, with research showing that it can affect our mood in a positive way. It’s important to remember that this effect is not universal; some people may find that rainy weather does not make them more tired.

In this article, we looked at why rain makes some of us feel sleepy and relaxed. We discussed the different effects that rainy weather can have on our physical and psychological states, including its calming effect on our minds, its ability to make us more tired by lowering the temperature and increasing humidity, and how it can produce a sense of security.

We also explored ways to reduce the sleepiness associated with rainy weather. These include avoiding caffeine, listening to calming music, adding extra blankets or layers of clothing for warmth, and making sure we get enough fresh air.

Rainy weather can make us feel sleepy and relaxed, but it’s important to remember that it doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. Everyone experiences different reactions to rain, so it’s important to experiment and find out what works best for you.
We hope this article has been helpful in understanding why rain makes some of us feel sleepy and relaxed. Now that you know why, it’s time to enjoy the rain! So grab a cup of tea, put on your favorite song, and relax!


  1. https://www.actionnews5.com/2021/09/26/breakdown-why-does-rain-make-us-sleepy/
  2. https://verlo.com/blog/why-does-rain-make-me-sleepy/
  3. https://www.greenmatters.com/p/why-does-rain-make-you-sleepy