- Height 2 inches
- Item Diameter 7.5 inches
- 8 inches

- Calibrated for altitudes
- Lifetime warranty
- Weems & Plath

- Ajax Scientific
- 72 millimeters
- 1.6 Ounces

- Brand: Bey-Berk
- Built To Last
- Item Weight 2.5 pounds

- Brand Name Control Company
- 1 Pounds
- 5 x 4 x 2 inches
Choose the Best Barometer
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Barometers
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A barometer is a device used for measuring atmospheric pressure. It can measure either the current air pressure or the change in it over time. The atmospheric pressure is influenced by many factors. Nowadays, meteorologists use the barometer to measure the weather changes and predict them accurately. Many people find it useful for other purposes as well.
Table of Contents
Benefits of barometer
A barometer is beneficial for people who love adventure and spending time outdoors. The device can be very helpful when traveling because it can measure the pressure of air in different regions. If you need to get accustomed to your location, choose a high-quality product that will help you predict weather changes accurately.
Barometers are also useful at home as they may provide an early warning about coming severe weather conditions (e.g., tornadoes or hurricanes).
Many models come with great features like GPS tracking, forecast systems that makes them even more valuable for everyday use inside homes too!
Finding the perfect barometer is, of course, a very personal decision. But to make it easier for you, we have decided to compile a list of some of the best barometers on the market today. Experts will also give you some tips on how to choose one that best suits your needs. Whether you are looking for an analog or digital model, whether it should be hand-held or wall-mounted – all your questions are answered in this article!
United Scientific ANBR01 Aneroid Barometer – the Editor’s choice!

It’s a great gift idea for an aspiring weather forecaster, science enthusiast, or just someone who loves all things outdoorsy. The best thing about this barometer? It’s made in the USA!
With beautiful design and accurate measurements, this product is sure to become your favorite gift idea. Spend less time worrying about when to pack an umbrella with the easy-to-read instructions in this product.
Weems & Plath Bluewater Collection Barometer – the best for easy maintenance!

Fully adjustable and calibrated to 1,500 feet above sea level; includes mounting hardware and instructions.
This beautiful barometer fully adjusts to your altitude, making it perfect for landlocked residents. It has a shiny finish that resists scratching and glare. The mounting hardware is included with the product! Their warranty lasts forever, so if anything ever happens to your barometer. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this great service offer.
Ajax Scientific MT010-0000 Dual Aneroid Barometer – the best for ease of use!

It also includes two needles for both metric and millibars of mercury readings with needle locks to prevent accidental tampering or opening during use.
The face offers an exact reading in either inches or centimeters with clear gold numbers all around the dial for easy viewing.
The barometer is supplied with a soft plastic mounting ring for a snug fit in a size 55-millimeters hole.
Inspired by antique instruments, this modern barometer has gold inlay atop a silver background with black numbers for clear readings in both millibars and metric measurements. It has an easy-to-read needle that’s activated when you blow into it for accurate readings that are spot on when calibrated correctly.
Bey-Berk WS078 Barometer – the best for extra features!

This barometer is perfect for home, office, or school because it keeps accurate readings day in and day out making it an ideal choice when looking to do some long-term measurements to form averages.
Plus, the design makes this barometer attractive both indoors and out – imagine sticking this on your deck or patio table. Also, it’s light enough to give as a gift but also durable enough to hold up in any room.
The Bey-Berk Barometer is one of the most affordable weather stations because it’s easy to read and pretty accurate. A precise instrument designed for reading temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, altitude adjustment, true/apparent barometric pressure ratio. Includes thermometer and hygrometer with large easy-to-read dials!
Digital Laboratory Barometer NIST Traceable – the best for accuracy!

With the four-line LCD display, you can see current barometric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, the barometric trend over time plus more. This tool helps give you an edge in planning your next outdoor excursion or dive into indoor activities where having a little knowledge can make all the difference!
Though it’s tough to beat this lab-grade accuracy for its size and cost, just know that setting the measurement to sea level will get you one step closer to being on target with these readings.
With features like an ample four-line LCD display that’s easy to read, you’ll be able to conduct precise measurements without delay or trouble – guaranteed! Live up to your full potential with this NIST traceable laboratory barometer today!
The Buyer’s Guide
Main Features:
Types of barometers
There are three types of barometers: aneroid, mercury, and digital. You can choose one depending on your needs or preferences.
An aneroid is a good option for those looking to purchase their first barometer. It’s also ideal if you’re simply curious about meteorology and want to learn more about this science without spending too much money. There are two kinds of aneroids – dry-bulb and wet-bulb – that work in different ways but achieve similar results (pressure levels).
On the other hand, mercury models have been around longer than any other type of these devices. They were used as far back as 1644 [1] – more than 350 years ago!
They use liquid fluid enclosed inside glass tubes with round bulbs at the bottom. The fluid is poured in such a way that it remains inside (and not on the floor). From time to time, users need to calibrate their barometers by checking if all glass components are watertight and then adjusting them accordingly with silicone grease or petroleum jelly; they also recommend using distilled water for this purpose since tap or mineral waters may contain impurities and affect accuracy levels.
Digital models use electronic sensors that measure atmospheric pressure directly without having to deal with fluids as mercury ones do. A drawback of these devices is poor battery life because most batteries last only two years before needing replacement; some digital barometers include rechargeable lithium-ion batteries while others can’t be used unless plugged into an electrical outlet via USB cable/charger.
Design & Appearance
There are many different types of barometers on today’s market to choose from – digital, analog, and more. Each type has its own unique benefits that make them ideal for certain situations or individuals.
For example, digital barometers are generally very easy to use and provide accurate readings with minimal upkeep required by you as a user. However, they tend not to look as sophisticated in your home decor compared to other styles such as an old-fashioned looking mercury barometer that is arguably one of the best ones out there but can be harder to read and require frequent checking depending upon how high you want it mounted among other factors. So ask yourself what features matter most before making any purchase as well as how it will look in your home.
Accuracy is the first thing to consider when buying a barometer. Look for a product that has an accuracy of +/- 0.02 percent and is designed with the latest technology to ensure accurate readings day after day, year after year.
The Fortin barometer is the most frequent type of barometer used for calibration work. This is a highly accurate instrument that measures with an error rate of between 0.03 percent and 0.001 percent on the whole scale reading depending on the measurement range [2].
Barometers should be calibrated at least once per year. This ensures they are providing you with correct measurements all the time when in use. If there’s no calibration option available on your barometer, check if it can be easily recalibrated by contacting customer service or looking up tutorials online.
A poor-quality one might be as accurate as an hour or two, which makes it pretty useless for forecasting purposes.
A barometer must be well-built and have sturdy construction. It should not rattle, feel loose, or wobbly when handled, nor should it make any other noise that might potentially disturb the environment around you. Quality usually goes hand in hand with durability, so if your chosen product is built to last then this also bodes well for its quality rating.
There are many barometers out there, but the best ones are usually made by well-known manufacturers. These companies have a reputation to uphold and know that their products will be judged accordingly so they take pride in developing only top-of-the-line items with the high build quality.
Brands like AcuRite, Ambient Weather, Davis Instruments Inc., Etekcity Corp., Kestrel Meters LLC, La Crosse Technology Group Co., Veepeak Ltd. & Oregon Scientific. All of them produce excellent weather stations and barometers that you can read about in this guide if you want more information or wish to purchase one yourself online today!
Allowing for Altitude Differences
The barometer allows the user to be aware of atmospheric changes by measuring altitude differences. These variations can result in either increasing or decreasing pressure levels within a given area, which is why it’s important to keep an eye on the data produced every time you make use of your device.
Keeping the device calibrated is important to ensure you are reading out reliable results. You can do this by bringing it with you when traveling or climbing up a mountain. This way, your barometer will be able to adjust itself accordingly for any change in altitude and provide accurate readings that can help predict bad weather conditions before they even come near.
A good example would be if something like that affected Hurricane Irma back in 2017 [3], given that meteorologists were already aware of its trajectory well beforehand based on data gathered from multiple sources including atmospheric pressure recordings among others.
When considering the price it’s important to consider the purpose of your purchase as you might find that buying a more expensive model doesn’t deliver any real benefit over less costly alternatives. That said, if an inexpensive model seems too good to be true then it probably is so always check reviews before making any big purchases because there may have been problems reported by other users who bought their own device at a cut-rate cost that has put them off using theirs.
The price range usually varies from $20 to $60.
The best barometers will be well-built, but won’t cost the earth so look for value when considering the price. Quality usually comes at a premium and buying an expensive model doesn’t guarantee you’ll get better results than if you’d chosen something more affordable as it depends on your personal requirements.
Protective Case
All barometers need to be protected and stored properly. This is especially true if you plan on moving them often or storing them in places where they will take a lot of wear and tear, such as the trunk of your car.
It’s best to get an acrylic case that has holes built into it for ventilation (not all cases do), so that moisture doesn’t build up inside the box over time which can affect calibration or corrosion of metal parts like screws and nuts.
These cases are often custom-made for each barometer, so you’ll have to ask your sales representative if they can provide one.
How to use a barometer:
There are 2 types of barometers:
- self-starting;
- the one that requires manual intervention to start;
The first has an internal mechanism that starts working as soon as it meets air whereas the second needs you to twist a knob or push a button so that it can start measuring atmospheric pressure. In either case, the process is simple and doesn’t require any special tools.
To start a self-starting barometer:
- Take it out of its packaging or casing carefully so as not to damage the internal mechanism inside;
- Hold your thumb over one end of the tube while you hold open another flap on top with your other hand by releasing that long spring that holds up all those fine metal leaves inside together;
- Keep holding down your thumb until you hear those leaves settle back into place; this ensures that there’s no air in between them (or equal pressure from below) and they’re ready for use. The more sensitively tuned it is, though, the smaller amount of atmospheric change will be enough to trigger an ‘upward’ movement in the mercury;
The same goes for a manual barometer:
- Unscrew the top cap of your instrument to access the innards, which is where you’ll find that long spring holding up all those fine metal leaves together inside;
- Hold down on one end of it with your thumb while pulling open another flap at its other end using your free hand and letting some air into the tube. This will release enough pressure from beneath so that there’s no pressure weighing them down or equalizing it from above (and causing an ‘upward’ deflection) within their sensitive range;
- Once you hear them settle back into place after a slight jerk, just let go of everything and they’re ready to go again;
- When you’re done using it, just cover the open end with your thumb or hand to protect the delicate mechanism inside from dust and dirt while carrying around. Remember not to jar them too much as that may knock some of those leaves out of place causing an inaccurate reading!
How do you read about barometric pressure?
One of the best barometers is a pressure sensor. They are available in many sizes and shapes, but you should consider buying at least one that has an LCD display with a backlight to make it easier for your eyes to read under different lighting conditions – especially since most people use them at night when they’re sleeping or resting after getting home from work.
There’s no standard way to measure atmospheric pressure using these devices, so you’ll need some guidance on how to interpret what your measurement means if anything about weather patterns concerns you.
How to read a barometer:
- The base is the point where all atmospheric pressure pushes on. If you put your barometer in a place with little to no wind, it’s going to be much more accurate because there will be less variation in how intensely it measures atmospheric pressure;
- The standard unit is used for measuring air pressure in millibars (mb). One mb equals 100 Pascals (Pa), and one atmosphere of force exerts 1013.2 mb worth of pressure – which equates to about 14.69 pounds per square inch (PSI) at sea level [4];
- Atmospheric pressures are constantly changing due to both Earth’s weather patterns as well as changes between regions that experience different climates. For example, atmospheric pressure in Denver is about 100 mb lower than it is at sea level. This means that the air weighs less near Denver due to there being fewer molecules of gas for each square inch;
Barometer care and maintenance:
- A barometer should be kept in a dry place. Don’t expose it to rain or humidity, as this may cause rust and corrosion. Highly humid environments might also damage the antiques that are made of wood, leather, stone, or ivory which will also affect their accuracy;
- If you have an antique barometer at home, make sure not to hang it on a damp wall because moisture can get into its wooden case from behind causing mold growth inside the instrument itself. In such cases, professionals must intervene for proper restoration work done by experts who know how to do these repairs right since they understand all details about each instrument so if your old one is damaged don’t hesitate to contact them immediately while there’s still hope left;
- Never place your barometer on top of the heating element, near to it, or just above it because this may affect its accuracy and damage the instrument itself;
- Try to keep the temperature where you are hanging your barometer at least within 50F with no hotter than 95F;
- The most accurate readings will be displayed when the atmospheric pressure reaches 30 inches that means that there’s no significant change in air pressure whereas an increase in humidity might cause inaccurate measurements so try to avoid putting liquids next to these instruments if possible;
- Make sure to check the barometer at least every 3 months for any damage or discoloration on its case that might indicate a problem with it. If you notice rust stains, water spots, mold growth inside of the instrument itself then this is definitely not normal and professional help should be sought as soon as possible;
In order to maintain your barometer’s accuracy just remember that there are many factors that can affect both indoor and outdoor humidity so don’t forget about these changes when deciding whether your measurements are proper or not. For example, if you live in a humid region where air pressure fluctuates quite commonly due to an increase in rainfall chances are high that most readings will be inaccurate but do keep in mind that even though they aren’t 100% precise they can definitely help you with predicting weather changes so don’t underestimate these instruments!
What are some common uses for a barometer?
A good example would be people that live near the ocean or on islands where they can monitor atmospheric changes to predict the weather before storms reach them. This would allow people to prepare ahead of time rather than wait until things become dangerous when there may not be enough time to do anything about it if they don’t know it’s coming.
Another example would be people that live in areas where there are dangerous weather patterns like tornadoes, hurricanes/cyclones, etc., monitoring the pressure changes over time can help them predict when these storms may form or reach their area so they have more time to prepare for possible evacuation if needed.
How much does a good barometer cost?
Barometers vary in price. The most expensive barometers are usually made of gold or silver but can cost up to $300 for a single unit. If you want high quality without the hefty price tag, try checking stores like Walmart where you’ll find models under $20 that work just as well (and if not better) than the more pricey ones!
What is an analog and digital barometer?
An analog barometer is a type of instrument that has an indicator needle or pointer on the dial. A digital barometer works with numbers, showing the current pressure in millibars on its display screen.
Are barometers accurate?
It is important to understand what accuracy means so you will not get confused by companies trying to sell products with inaccurate information and making things seem much better than reality because of inaccuracies or poor data collection methods.
According to NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), accuracy refers only to how close a measurement agrees with the actual value [5]. Inaccurate measurements are not wrong, they just are incorrect because there is a difference between what was measured and the actual value.
Barometers are reasonably accurate for measuring changes in atmospheric pressure, but they aren’t designed to measure absolute readings. It is essential to remember that barometer measurements can be affected by factors such as temperature and altitude.
Are barometers accurate indoors?
Barometers are not accurate indoors [6] because they measure atmospheric pressure. When you go inside, the barometer counts only the air surrounding us and is less precise than it would be if you were outside. If you want an indoor one with very high precision, consider getting a digital model.
What type of barometer is the most accurate?
The most accurate barometers are the ones that measure air pressure. These include electronic and mechanical types of barometers. The price increases significantly with more accuracy, so you should consider your budget when looking for such a device – it can be quite expensive (around $200).
Is a barometer an instrument or just a decorative object?
A barometer is actually both – it’s not only for decoration but also used to measure the air pressure. That being said, if you’re looking for a product that can decorate your home and give you accurate weather forecasts at the same time – then yes, there are some models available on the market right now which will do this job perfectly! The price of such products varies from $20 up to around $300.
Where is the best place to put a barometer?
A barometer can be placed anywhere it looks good. Generally, you want to place your barometer in a central area of the room so that everyone who walks into the home sees it immediately upon entering. Place on an accent wall for more visual impact or place on any other flat surface like a side table or shelf.
Avoid a spot that is in the direct sunlight, since temperature changes may affect the readings. Keep the barometer away from drafty areas like near a door or a window. In these situations, air pressure is too unreliable.
Why does a barometer have two hands?
A barometer has two hands because one hand is for measuring atmospheric pressure and the other indicates changes in atmospheric pressure. One hand is usually a little longer than the other is and this indicates that there is more pressure on it. When atmospheric pressure changes, both hands move together to indicate which direction the barometer is moving towards; if one of them moves up while the other stays down then you know that there’s going to be an increase in high-pressure zones.
Do barometers go bad?
A barometer has a life of up to two decades. However, if it is exposed to extreme heat or cold for extended periods of time, the liquid inside will expand and contract enough that this could break the gauge itself. This tends not to be an issue though because most people don’t leave their barometers outside in below-freezing weather overnight!
Is barometric pressure the same inside and outside?
Barometric pressure changes as the weather changes. If you are inside, barometric pressure is usually close to the air pressure outside. However, this can vary greatly depending on factors like what floor of a building you’re on and where windows and doors may be open or closed.
Barometric pressure is different at sea level than it is when you’re in high altitudes. There are also variations of air pressures based on weather patterns and geography around your location, but most readings can be found within a range close to each other.
Which barometer does not use mercury?
The best barometer is the aneroid barometer and it does not use mercury. It is not filled with fluid. The aneroid capsule is a tiny, bendable metal container composed of a mix of beryllium and copper.
What is the difference between a barograph and a barometer?
There are several differences between a barograph and a barometer.
A barograph is used to record data for things like pressure, temperature, humidity, etc. on paper or by using an ink pen on glass that moves with the needle of the device as it changes over time. A standard mercury-in-glass thermometer can be considered one variety of this type of instrument called a “mercury barograph”, but there are others that use other liquid metals instead of mercury including alcohols such as denatured ethanol (alcohol) where the liquid column height scales linearly with atmospheric pressure.
A “mercury-in-glass barometer” measures the pressure directly without recording it over time, so data is only recorded at one point in time.
What is a comfortable barometric pressure?
Barometric pressure is measured in:
- standard atmospheres (atm);
- Pascals (Pa);
- inches of mercury (inHg);
- bars (bar);
At sea level, the typical range for barometric pressure is 101,325 to 100,000 Pa [7].
Useful Video: 10 Best Barometers 2020
Final thoughts
Whether you are looking for an analog or digital model, whether it should be hand-held or wall-mounted – all your questions are answered in this article! So what is the perfect barometer for you? Read on to find out. What has been missed? Let us know below and the experts get right back to you with a helpful response as soon as possible.
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