
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau

Ambient Weather Rain Gauge Not Working: How to Fix?

Ambient Weather Rain Gauge Not Working: How to Fix?

If your Ambient Weather rain gauge isn’t working, you’re not alone. Many people have experienced this issue and don’t know how to fix it. In this article, we will answer some of the most common questions about fixing the Ambient Weather rain gauge. We will also provide some troubleshooting tips to help get your device up and running again!

Why is my device not reporting on Ambient Weather?

There are several reasons why your device might not be reporting. First, check that the batteries in your device are still functioning properly. If they have died or are losing power quickly, you will need to replace them.

Next, make sure that your device is set up correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This includes placing it in an area where there are no obstructions between your device and the sky and checking that all settings on the device itself are accurate.

Finally, if you recently changed your WiFi router or modem, you may need to update the wireless settings on your device so it can connect to the new network. Once these steps are taken care of, try restarting your Ambient Weather Rain Gauge by pressing the reset button.

Why is my device not reporting on Ambient Weather?

If the issue persists, you may need to contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Why is my weather station showing offline on Weather Underground?

Weather Underground is a popular website for sharing and viewing weather data from around the world.

If your device is showing as offline on Weather Underground, this may mean that your Ambient Weather rain gauge has lost its connection to the internet.

First, make sure that your device is connected to a stable WiFi network with a strong signal. Also check that all settings within the app or on the device itself are accurate and up-to-date. If these steps do not resolve the issue, try restarting your Ambient Weather Rain Gauge by pressing the reset button.

If none of these solutions work, contact the manufacturer for further assistance in resolving this issue. [1]

How do I reset my Ambient Weather rain gauge?

If you are experiencing any issues with your Ambient Weather rain gauge, resetting it is a good way to start troubleshooting. To reset your device, locate the “reset” button or switch on the back of the device. Hold down this button for 10 seconds until the LED lights flash and then release. This should restart your device and hopefully resolve any connection or reporting issues that were present before.

If this does not solve your problem, try other troubleshooting steps such as checking that all settings are correct within the app and ensuring that there is no obstruction between your device and the sky. If these steps do not help, contact the manufacturer for further assistance in resolving any issues you may be having with your Ambient Weather rain gauge.

How do I reset my Ambient Weather rain gauge?

How do I connect to Weather Underground?

Before you can connect your Ambient Weather rain gauge to Weather Underground, you need to first set up your device within the app. Make sure that all settings on the device itself are accurate and that it is placed in an area where there is no obstruction between the device and the sky.

Once this is done, open the Ambient Weather app and select “Weather Underground” from the list of supported services. Enter your account information for Weather Underground and follow any additional instructions provided by the app to complete the connection process. Once this is finished, your data should be available for a view on Weather Underground’s website or app.

If you need further assistance connecting to Weather Underground, contact their support team for more help.

Where are weather stations located?

Weather stations are typically placed in areas with a clear view of the sky and away from any obstructions such as tall buildings or trees. This ensures that the station can accurately measure temperature, rainfall, humidity and other atmospheric data without any interference.

In some cases, weather stations may be set up on rooftops or at higher elevations to maximize their exposure to the elements. Weather stations can also be found in airports, observatories and even on ships depending on the purpose for which they are needed.

Where are weather stations located?

No matter where you find a weather station, it is important that it is properly maintained and calibrated so that its measurements remain accurate over time. If you need help finding the right location for your Ambient Weather rain gauge, contact the manufacturer for more assistance. [2]

What direction should my rain gauge face?

Your rain gauge should be placed in an open area, away from buildings, trees, and other obstructions that could divert the flow of water.

Place your rain gauge so that it faces north or east for the best accuracy. Make sure the rim of the gauge is level with the ground and that there is a slight incline downward toward the funnel. This will ensure maximum collection of rainfall and prevent any evaporation before reaching the gauge. Additionally, avoid placing your rain gauge near hot objects such as grills, chimneys, fire pits, etc., as this could lead to inaccurate readings due to heat transfer. Lastly, make sure to check your local weather station for reporting regulations before submitting any data collected by your rain gauge.

Where is the place to put a rain gauge?

The best place to put a rain gauge is in an open area, away from trees or buildings. It should also be at least two feet off the ground and level so that it can accurately measure rainfall amounts. Make sure that the site where you plan to set up your rain gauge does not get flooded during heavy rains. If possible, locate the gauge near a paved surface to reduce the evaporation of any collected water. Be sure that there are no other objects around that could potentially block or divert precipitation into the device. Additionally, make sure to record how much rainfall occurs each year as this will provide valuable data for you and other researchers. Finally, if possible, place your rain gauge near a natural open body of water such as a creek, river, or pond. This will allow for better accuracy when measuring rainfall amounts and the ability to compare data from previous years.

This helps determine if there has been any change in the overall rainfall pattern in your area over time. In any case, placing a rain gauge correctly is an important part of monitoring your local environment and understanding changes that might be occurring due to climate change or other factors. Additionally, it can help alert you to potential flooding events so that you can prepare accordingly.

Where is the place to put a rain gauge?

How far should a rain gauge be from a house?

It is recommended that rain gauges should be placed away from buildings, trees and other nearby structures to ensure accurate measurements.

Generally, it is suggested to keep the rain gauge at least 10 feet from your house. This will help prevent any interference from wind, debris or runoff that could affect the accuracy of the readings. Additionally, make sure no obstacles are blocking the free flow of rain into the gauge, such as branches or awnings. It is also important to avoid placing objects like bird feeders close to your gauge as birds may land on it and change the calibration of its readings. By following these guidelines you can ensure a more accurate measure of rainfall around your home. [3]

What is the rain gauge for home?

The Ambient Weather rain gauge is a home weather station device designed to measure the amount of rainfall, temperature, humidity and other atmospheric data in your area.

This device can be connected to an app or website for easy monitoring and can also be used to track long-term climate trends.

This device is easy to set up and comes with detailed instructions on how to connect it to your Wi-Fi network. Additionally, if you need help finding the right location for your Ambient Weather rain gauge, contact the manufacturer for more assistance. With this device, you can rest assured that you will have access to accurate weather data for your home.

Why should a rain gauge be above the ground?

A rain gauge should be placed above the ground to ensure that the readings are accurate. If a rain gauge is installed too close to the ground, it can become clogged with leaves or dirt, which will cause inaccurate readings. Additionally, water from sprinklers and other sources may also affect the accuracy of the readings. By placing a rain gauge higher up off the ground, you can ensure that only precipitation is being measured accurately. This will provide you with more precise measurements when tracking rainfall amounts in your local area.

Why should a rain gauge be above the ground?

Can you put a rain gauge on your roof?

Yes, you can put a rain gauge on your roof. Depending on the type of rain gauge you have, it may require some mounting hardware and adjustments to make sure it is properly installed. Generally speaking, most rain gauges are designed to be mounted on a post or fence in an area that will not be obstructed from rainfall. If you want to install one directly onto your roof, make sure that you use proper waterproofing materials and follow all installation instructions carefully. Additionally, check with your local building codes to make sure you are complying with any regulations regarding installing objects on roofs. In many cases, if improperly constructed or placed, these items could cause damage to the roof and create a safety hazard for those below. [4]

Should you ground weather station?

It is generally not necessary to ground a weather station, as they are powered by either batteries or an AC adapter. However, since lightning can travel through the air and power lines into your home, it is still important to ensure that your weather station is properly grounded in order to protect both you and your equipment from any potential damage caused by a lightning strike. Additionally, grounding your weather station can help minimize electrical interference from other nearby devices.

To safely ground a weather station, first turn off all power sources connected to the instrument. Then use a 3-prong grounding wire to connect the negative terminal of the AC adapter supplied with your device to an appropriate grounding rod or stake located outside and near the location where the instrument will be installed. Finally, plug the AC adapter into an appropriate outlet and then turn on your device to ensure that it is properly grounded.

How do you set the barometric pressure on an Ambient Weather station?

To set the barometric pressure on an Ambient Weather station, you need to use the device’s built-in menu. First, press the Menu button on your device which will bring up a list of options. Select “Set Pressure” and enter the desired value for your location using the arrow keys. Once you have chosen the appropriate value, press OK and your settings will be applied.

Remember that this needs to be done for each individual weather station if you have multiple devices connected to one system.


How do I reset my Ambient rain gauge?

If you are having difficulty with your Ambient rain gauge, then it may be necessary to reset the device. Resetting the device will clear any error codes and allow you to start over from a clean slate.

To reset your Ambient rain gauge, please follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the power source from the back of your unit.
  2. Wait at least 30 seconds before plugging it back in again.
  3. Turn on the power switch located near the base of your unit (if applicable).
  4. After a few moments, you should see an indicator light that tells you that the device has been successfully reset and is ready for use again!
  5. Follow the instructions in your user manual to connect the device back to the Ambient rain gauge app.
  6. Once you have successfully connected, your data should start showing up again!

If you continue to experience difficulty with your Ambient rain gauge, then please contact customer support for further assistance. They will be more than happy to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Why is my rain gauge not working?

The most common cause of a rain gauge not working is that there is debris clogging the spout or funnel. Debris can build up over time and prevent water from entering the tube. To clear any debris out, simply use a long-handled brush or similar tool to dislodge it. It’s also important to make sure your rain gauge is level so that it will accurately measure rainfall amounts. You should also check for any cracks or holes in the container that could be causing water leakage and repairing them if necessary. Additionally, verify that all components of your rain gauge are connected properly and free of corrosion, especially when using metal gauges.

How do I reset my Ambient Weather sensor?

To reset your Ambient Weather sensor, press and hold the “Reset” button for 5 seconds. This will clear all data from the device and allow you to start collecting new information. Additionally, make sure that all settings on the device itself are correct and that areas around it are free from obstruction.

Why is my Ambient Weather station not reporting?

If your Ambient Weather station is not reporting correctly, it could be due to a number of potential issues. Check to make sure that the batteries are installed correctly and have enough power. Additionally, make sure the device is set correctly and placed in an area with a clear view of the sky and away from any obstructions. If these steps do not remedy the issue, contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

Remember that all settings on the device itself must be correct and that areas around it must be free from obstruction.

Following these steps will help ensure that your rain gauge operates correctly and provides reliable readings over time. If you need help finding the right location for your Ambient Weather rain gauge, contact the manufacturer for more assistance.

Useful Video: Ambient Weather Station WS-2902A HOW TO REPAIR RAIN GAUGE NOT WORKING


If your Ambient Weather rain gauge isn’t working, don’t worry! You can troubleshoot and fix the issue with ease. First, check the batteries to see if they need to be replaced. If that doesn’t work, try resetting the device. Finally, contact customer service for further assistance. With these simple tips, you’ll have your rain gauge up and running in no time!


  1. https://support.holmanindustries.com.au/hc/en-au/articles/900000301586-Why-is-my-Wi-Fi-Weather-Station-offline-on-Weather-Underground-after-initial-setup
  2. https://support.weathermatic.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037054654-Where-Should-I-Install-my-Weather-Station-
  3. https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/ndsco/documents/Information_Packet.pdf
  4. https://www.theraingauge.com/best-place-to-put-a-rain-gauge