- Color Black
- Brand AcuRite
- Item Weight 0.2 Pounds

- White
- 3.7 x 3.43 x 1.69 inches
- AcuRite

- 1.3 x 3.5 x 5.5 inches
- Item Weight 4.8 ounces
- AcuRite

- Brand AcuRite
- 158 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Custom, programmable high and low humidity alarms

- Brand: Honeywell
- Color: Black
- 3.5 x 1 x 3 inches
Choose the Best Indoor Humidity Monitor
Customer’s Choice: the Best Rated Indoor Humidity Monitors
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Have you noticed how dry it is inside your home? If so, then you are not alone. According to the National Weather Service, indoor relative humidity levels can be as high as 10% higher than outdoor levels in the winter months. This increased level of dryness can lead to a number of problems for homeowners. It may have already led to an increase in allergy symptoms or asthma attacks for some homeowners, and could even lead to health issues like respiratory infections if left unchecked.
The best way to combat this problem is by investing in a good humidifier that will keep your home at optimum humidity levels year-round! To make sure you are getting the right one for your needs, we’ve created this guide on five different humidifiers.
Table of Contents
AcuRite 00613 Digital Hygrometer & Indoor Thermometer Pre-Calibrated Humidity Gauge

And with the option to switch between Fahrenheit or Celsius readings at the press of a button, this handy home thermometer accurately records all important data needed to maintain an optimal climate for your favourite sticks.
AcuRite Pro Humidity Meter & Thermometer with Touch Activated Backlight

Keep track of air conditions over time with both 24-hour and all-time high and low measurements, as well as each sensor’s calibration settings for optimum precision. Enhance accuracy to suit all day occasions—you can mount on a tabletop or use magnets for hands-free adaptations depending on what fits your lifestyle best!
AcuRite 00611 Indoor Outdoor Thermometer with Wireless Temperature Sensor & Hygrometer

The humidity gauge also lets you know if your space needs more cooling or heating. This digital thermometer can be placed indoors or outdoors — just make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight and rain! Calibrated out of the box, this wireless thermometer provides accurate readings every time. Simply clear the screen with a swipe and get back to enjoying your day knowing that your environment is safe
AcuRite 01080M Pro Accuracy Temperature and Humidity Gauge with Alarms

Customize this expertly crafted gauge to suit your needs by customizing alarms that notify you when humidity levels are outside of your desired ranges. The AcuRite 01080M Pro Accuracy Temperature and Humidity Gauge is a must-have home appliance for any household concerned about their health or the environment.
Honeywell Humidity Monitor

Durable, compact, and a breeze to use via AAA battery, this accurate device includes calibration updates so you can be confident in its readings. Be sure not to overheat yourself in the summer by setting up an intelligent 24-hour humidistat for complete control of interior temperature and humidity levels.
Buyer’s Guide
Types of humidity monitors
There are 4 main types of humidity monitors: Electrical, Mechanical, Dew Point, Psychrometers.
- Electrical monitors work on a simple principle: the resistance of a sensor changes as it absorbs water. As the humidity gets higher, so does resistance. This allows an electrical monitor to measure humidity levels within your home or office building with high accuracy.
- Mechanical monitors work on a different principle: as water vapour molecules hit and stick to the sensor, it moves up or down. As humidity gets higher, this movement is more noticeable and allows you to measure indoor relative humidity levels with high accuracy.
- Dew point monitors use slightly complex science physics; they essentially track how close air is to its dew point (when condensation will begin). Dew points are often used for cigar humidors since cigars like low RH conditions but need protection from moisture damage when getting too dry.
- Psychrometers use wet-and-dry bulb technology – these thermometers have both wet and dry bulbs that can be compared against each other in order to determine relative humidity levels. This type of monitor is very versatile and can be used to determine how comfortable you are, track mould growth or even detect water damage.
It is up to you which type of monitor you choose. If you are on a budget and need to keep the cost low, then an electrical monitor will be your best bet. If you want something that is more complex and tracks multiple factors, then use a mechanical or psychrometer monitor.
What to Consider When Choosing a Humidity Monitor
Humidity monitors are important to use in your home or office.
There are many different brands and styles of monitors on the market. These devices can monitor humidity levels, temperature, and even monitor for water leaks or mould growth. They help keep your house comfortable when it is hot outside during the summer months, especially when you don’t have an air conditioning unit installed. It also keeps things dry if there’s too much moisture in the air inside your building which causes problems like rust formation or rot damage. The best one will depend on where you live (tropical areas need a more sensitive model than colder regions) as well as what features matter most to you – alarm sirens, display readouts etc… So there are many things to consider, let’s take a look at each of them:
Where do you live?
The first important question to ask when deciding on a humidity monitor is where you live. If the environment is dry, then it’s best to find an indoor humidifier with a hygrometer built into it; if the area is already humid, then getting an outdoor humidity monitor and checking that plants are getting enough water outdoors would be more important. It’s also good to choose multi-function monitors for having many different plants or just wanting overall measurements of the air quality indoors and out.
If you are in dry climates, like the Western United States or parts of Europe, then it’s best to find an indoor humidifier with a hygrometer built into it. This will give you accurate readings and keep your plants at optimal moisture levels for your specific environment. If humidity isn’t that important for growing plants indoors, then just get any old digital hygrometer.
If you’re in a more humid area, like Florida or the Pacific Northwest, then it’s important to get an outdoor humidity monitor. Since your environment is already humid there isn’t as much need for moisture levels indoors and instead, you want to make sure that your plants are getting enough water outdoors. Make sure all of these monitors work well with a specific range because different regions will have drastically varying ranges from very low readings (like California) compared to high readings (like New York).
One of those considerations is how you plan to use it. For example: do you want something for indoor use only? Will this device travel with you and be needed in different places or spaces? If so then options like a portable digital hygrometer may work well for your needs since they can easily move from place to place as long as they remain within the range of Bluetooth connectivity/connection. However if what you’re looking for is something simple and straightforward such as an app-based unit that can provide accurate readings at all times then one of these devices could work better than others depending upon where exactly inside your home your humidor is located.
If you want a simple and easy way of monitoring humidity levels in different parts of your space, such as an office cubicle, bedroom, living room etc., without needing too much tech knowledge before purchasing one of the products listed above could also work well.
If you have a child or pet who is able to roam around your home, or you yourself are mobile and like moving from room-to-room, then a humidity monitor with remote sensors might be best for you since it can keep track of temperature and RH% in different parts of the space while allowing the user mobility.
If you want to take care of your plants at home then you will need a device that is able to measure many parameters of the environment. For example, if your plant needs sunlight and water at certain times during the day but also humidity levels that are conducive for photosynthesis as well as air circulation throughout its leaves then having one monitor would not be enough since it can’t keep track of those different variables without being moved from room-to-room or space-to-space all the time.
If you’re looking for something that can be used whether you’re at home or not then again the app-based device is best since this allows it to connect with your mobile devices anywhere. If all you need is accurate readings from time to time but don’t care about specific data points like temperature readings then any humidifier would do. However if what you’re after is constant updates on things like temperature alongside relative humidity levels which are necessary when wanting to know how stable the environment around has been over time then you’re going to need something a little more complex.
In fact, even if that is the case and you want one of these devices for both monitoring humidity levels in your humidor or cigar collection, as well as measuring temperature this doesn’t necessarily mean all-in-one products are best since some people may not desire certain features included with others they don’t think will be useful or accurate enough when it comes to their needs.
In other words, there’s no point including a weather station feature on an indoor unit unless it’s accurate otherwise what use is it? This means many options come down to personal preference when deciding which product works best based upon specific criteria such as how much money can be spent each month if it’s a subscription-based product and so on.
In short: How much work do you want this unit to do? What kind of data points matter most to you and how often does collecting them have to take place in order for it to be useful information? Do any other factors come into play such as mobility requirements vs stationary ones (i.e. do you move around a lot)?
The most important thing to consider when choosing an indoor humidity monitor is the accuracy of the data. You need a device that can provide you with accurate readings so you know if you are getting what you need or not.
The most accurate humidity monitors are the ones that use sensors and probes to measure changes in air pressure. Most of these types of devices also need to be placed outside your grow area so they can better get an idea of what is going on inside without being affected by any interference from fans or heating systems. This means you will have a higher chance at getting more accurate readings if it’s not something you check every 15 minutes, but rather a several times per day since it has to be placed outdoors where the weather conditions may change throughout the course of the day.
if you want to check your humidity levels from inside your grow area, you will need a device that uses an alternative method to measure the changes in air pressure.
The most basic devices will rely on a sensor placed within them and show a digital reading of what it detects. These readings are usually more accurate than those given by analogue devices which use something like mercury or soap bubbles to detect changes in moisture levels. However, this type of sensor requires calibration every six months so they can continue providing correct data as it tends to get off over time due to too many factors such as dust accumulation or incorrect placement throughout its lifetime for example.
Another issue with these is their low accuracy range since they might not be able to provide you with specific enough readings depending on how big your environment is, which might make it a better choice for smaller grow tents or closets.
You can also ask yourself if you want a device that can provide data in real-time or not. Some humidity monitors will give an immediate reading of what the environment is like and others might take some seconds before they show any changes, which means there isn’t much difference to these devices besides having to wait for your readings after checking them.
This may be useful when it comes to taking corrective measures right away but chances are you won’t need this option unless something goes wrong while growing indoors such as mould formation due to too high levels of humidity present within your grow area so just keep in in mind depending on your particular situation.
You can also ask someone who already has one of these devices similar to what you are looking for and ask them how accurate it is. If they share the same opinion as you, then chances are there isn’t any big difference between specific models but if they don’t like your device or find that most humidity monitors aren’t very precise at all despite their price tag, then perhaps this just might not be the right choice for you!
Digital vs. Analogue
Now you need to choose between a digital or an analogue monitor. There are pros and cons to both so it is up to you which one will suit your needs better, however, if possible try out the type of monitor before buying- this way you can see how easy it is for you personally to read the humidity reading on screen!
Digital monitors are usually battery operated and can be moved around easily. They have a digital readout that is very easy to understand- you will know the humidity level in your home at all times! Digital screens also tend to be backlit which makes it easier for you when using them in dark or low light conditions. Digital models also let users switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit scales depending on preference, something impossible to do with usual analogue models.
The main downside to digital units is that they are more expensive than analogue displays on the whole.
The main pro of analogue monitors is their cheap price tag, however, there are plenty more advantages too: they take up less space than digital ones so if this is important then an analogue monitor could save valuable room on your desktops/shelves! Analogue displays also often come with a rotating dial so you do not need any fancy buttons to find out the humidity level in your home. You just need to twist, turn and see what number you are reading!
But there are also disadvances to an analogue monitor. They are not backlit, so they are harder to read in low light conditions and you may struggle to try to find the humidity level when it is especially dark- if this would be a problem for you then go digital!
Digital monitors also have their own pros too: they can be set up with alarms so any time that the humidity levels get high or low an alarm will sound off- this is great for those who work long hours away from home as it means if there are problems you know about them straight away. Digital units are also usually more sturdy than analogues ones which might not seem important but trust us it really makes a difference when durability matters!
Which one do I think you should go for? Well, basically it all depends on what matters most to you- if the price does not matter then definitely go with a digital monitor as this will be easy to use and give your home the protection it needs! Digital monitors also tend to be of better quality so durability wise they might last longer (however there are always exceptions) however if budget is of utmost importance then an analogue display could save you money without compromising on functionality or accuracy too much.
Please note: some analogue devices can have their readings converted into humidity levels but this makes them very imprecise which defeats the object of having a device in the first place!
Power Source and Battery Life
The next thing to consider is the power source. These devices run on batteries, so look for one that uses common household battery types like AAA or AA. Some can also be plugged into a wall outlet which might make it easier if you do not want to worry about changing out the batteries at all (very helpful when kids are involved).
Less expensive models use small watch-type lithium metal cells while more advanced digital monitors will need C or D cell alkaline batteries with greater capacity and longer life span than smaller lithiums. If you choose an analogue monitor then go ahead and grab some rechargeable NiMH batteries as well; they’ll save both money and waste over time compared to using disposable ones.
Analogue humidity monitors are usually more economical and can be found for as little as $20. They are battery-operated and can be bought with or without a display. However, they don’t have the convenience of digital humidity monitors which show you exactly what’s going on in real-time.
With regards to power sources there are three main types available: AC/DC adapter – plugs into an electrical outlet; batteries – usually C cells for this type of device; and battery-powered – these are small devices which can be moved from room to room easily.
AC/DC adapter power allows the user to plug in their monitor so that it is always on, regardless of whether or not batteries have been installed. This option will allow users to keep an eye on humidity levels while away from home as well. However, AC adapters may require a lot more work when compared with alternatives since they’re directly attached to a wall outlet instead of being portable. Batteries won’t need any complicated installations but will still provide plenty of convenience due to portability options offered by this type’s compact design.
Finally, there are some models out there which offer both types of power sources at once: one for indoor use and another for outdoor use. This makes them versatile and capable of monitoring humidity levels in different environments, such as a greenhouse or garden.
Battery-powered monitors can be easily moved from room to room which is especially helpful if the user wants to monitor multiple rooms at once without having to buy several devices (very useful if you want an all-inclusive solution). Less expensive models are smaller but lack any display screens while more advanced ones will have larger LCD displays that let users see current readings with ease. Some digital products even include remote sensors so that individuals can check their home’s humidity levels whether they’re upstairs, downstairs or outside altogether!
Battery life is also a concern though many digital humidity monitors will display the battery level on their LCD screen so you know when it’s time to replace them, saving yourself from any surprises during use. Just remember to purchase replacement batteries at the same time that you buy your monitor or risk not being able to use it right away!
User Interface
Another consideration is the interface you will have to use the monitor. Most monitors today are digital, so they feature an LCD screen that usually displays a number and maybe some control buttons or touchscreens for altering what is displayed on the LCD screen. This is great for most people, but not everyone will love the digital interface. This is especially true if you want something easy to read and hard to break that doesn’t require any batteries or an electrical outlet.
A good analogue device has a dial on it where you can simply turn the dial until it matches your desired humidity level. Analogue devices are similar to analogue clocks which don’t require any batteries. Analogue humidity monitors do feature a small electric sensor that needs some power, but they typically run off of AA or AAA batteries for about three months on average.
A good digital device will often have an LCD screen and possibly even control buttons or touchscreens. Some models will even have a remote or allow you to connect them with your smartphone for easier controls when needed.
Some humidity monitors don’t even need anything besides your finger. Just swipe across them and press down on their surface to change what’s being displayed; this makes it easy to quickly adjust during times of varying humidity levels (such as when there is high/low pressure coming in).
The display size can also make a difference if you plan on using more than one at once – such as one inside while another outside where it’s easier to read from afar. Some screens might be too small for certain rooms, but other larger screen models might be too hard to fit in certain small spaces.
There is no best choice, but the interface does matter depending on what type of user you are and how much control you want over it. If the control doesn’t matter too much, then an analogue device will usually be best. If you want ultimate control over your humidity levels, then a digital device will often have more to offer in terms of features and capabilities.
It comes down to personal preference, so there are no incorrect answers here – just what will work best for your space!
Data Logging
It is also important to think about the frequency of logging data. Some humidity monitors can collect and store up to 500 days worth of information, while others only last for a couple of weeks before the memory is full.
The average person will not need such extensive log storage capacity; however, if you are using your monitor in an industrial or professional setting where long-term measurements could be helpful, this is an important factor to consider.
If you want to monitor the humidity in your home, paying for 500 days of data storage is probably not necessary.
You can always download or view the information later if you need to do so. If you only want an idea of how much moisture there has been at any given time, a couple of weeks worth should be sufficient.
Some humidity monitors log a data point every few minutes (or even continuously) while others only record an entry once per day. Most people will not need continuous humidity readings; however, if you are using your monitor in a place that could rapidly change conditions, this data may be helpful to you.
As mentioned above, the average person does not really need continuous measurements because they do not provide any more useful information than what can be obtained from daily log entries. If you find yourself needing to review minute-by-minute changes over time or check on very specific instances of high or low humidity levels at various times throughout the day/night – then having constant access to all of the data points would come in handy.
If someone wants to know how often their humidifier needs to be refilled, they may find the continuous measurements to be more useful.
If you are looking for a monitor that offers daily or weekly snapshots of your humidity levels over time, this is not important and therefore should not factor into your decision-making process when purchasing an indoor monitor.
Remote Monitoring and Alerts
One of the best features of these devices is that they can provide remote monitoring and alerts. You will not have to be constantly checking your humidity levels, but instead, receive notifications when there are changes in your environment. Some monitors also allow you to set specific thresholds for certain conditions like excessively high temperatures or abnormally low moisture levels so that you know right away what could potentially cause damage to your home or business.
But you can also go a step further with these devices by connecting them to your digital security system, which will allow you to monitor humidity levels at home while away. This is particularly beneficial if you have an alarm monitoring service because it makes it even easier for the company to send out help should anything happen during off-hours or on weekends when nobody would be around.
There are a few different ways that you can monitor your humidity levels remotely. For example, you can connect some monitors to a hub that connects with your Wi-Fi and sends this information directly to the cloud where it is stored. From here, you would have access from any internet-connected device so long as they are connected to the same network. You could also use an app on your phone or tablet by connecting the monitor through Bluetooth technology instead of Wi-Fi if preferred.
Besides sending alerts when there has been too much moisture in one area of your home, some humidity sensors will send specific alerts based on different levels of comfort for people who suffer from asthma or allergies. For instance, many products allow you to set up notifications whenever certain conditions like temperature and humidity get outside a range that best fits those suffering respiratory conditions such as these.
In some cases, humidity levels can also be monitored and alerts are sent based on conditions that will affect your property’s value. For example, you could receive notifications if moisture exceeds a certain level so that you can check for water leaks or other issues before they become major problems. You just want to ensure the device is placed in an area where it won’t pick up on normal fluctuations such as those caused by cooking, which means placing them away from kitchens and bathrooms most of the time.
Finally, the best indoor humidity monitors will also allow you to set up different alerts for whenever a specific area of your home goes above or below certain levels. For instance, if you have a basement that constantly has high moisture levels even though it doesn’t get any water damage from leaks, then having an alert sent if the level rises too much could help prevent potential problems in the future.
How do you monitor humidity indoors?
There are some simple procedures you can take to monitor humidity indoors. The first is using a hygrometer, which measures the amount of moisture in the air. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers can also be used to control indoor humidity levels by adding or removing water from the atmosphere.
Can I measure humidity with my phone?
It is possible to measure humidity with your phone, but you will need some special equipment. Temperature and moisture probes can be connected to a smartphone or tablet through an adapter.
How accurate are indoor humidity meters?
Indoor humidity meters are generally accurate to within plus or minus two percent.
What is the most accurate way to measure humidity?
The most accurate way to measure humidity is with a digital indoor humidity monitor. These devices are more expensive than other types of monitors, but they provide highly accurate readings and can display both current and average levels in real-time.
What humidity should my house be?
Humidity levels in the home should be kept within 20 to 40 per cent. If the humidity level is too high, it can lead to structural damage. If the humidity levels are too low, you may experience dry skin and lips as well as a weakened immune system that leaves you more susceptible to cold and flu.
What is the best humidity monitor?
The best indoor humidity monitors are digital and provide both current and historical readings. These devices can also display average levels over a set time span, allowing you to see trends in your home’s relative humidity.
How does humidity affect mould?
When humidity is too high, it allows moisture to build up on surfaces and this can cause them to become damp or wet which creates an environment that fosters mould growth. High indoor humidity also encourages dust mites because they feed off of the natural skin cells in humans.
Useful Video: 10 Best Humidity Monitors 2020
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, humidity monitors are a great way to keep track of the moisture levels in your home. Not only will you save money on heating and cooling costs but also prevent damage from mould. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use monitor that is compatible with both iOS and Android devices then consider taking a look at the AcuRite Digital Hygrometer. It is easy to use, accurate and reliable humidity monitor that won’t break the bank.
We have discussed the five best indoor humidity monitors on the market today. We hope that after reading this article, you have a better idea of which product is right for your needs and budget.
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